An open letter to reassure the electorate.
They criticized Reagan for voodoo economics?
During the President's speech last night, did you notice the jack--in-the-box just over his left shoulder?
A parasite has been sapping the lifeblood of the nation. Isn't it time to get out the tweezers?
Restoring science to its rightful place?
Nancy Pelosi...and the Democrats want to control the census?
They grilled the auto executives as well as bank and investment bigwigs, but the ones they should blame...
Promised change obvious with first press conference-no longer "politics of fear."
Will it be necessary to import pigs from other countries to meet the demand?
Economy in shambles...government prints more and more money...hyperinflation...currency practically worthless...Weimar Republic, 1923...A repeat?
Some precise stimulus and...oh, oh! Someone call 9-1-1.
The Statehouse...if things don't change, they'll probably remain the same."
Indiana government-"We have met the lobbyists, and they are us."
The Obunny from Alice in Wonderland-gotta drum up support for the stimulus plan.
Life lessons we learned as children apparently don't apply to government positions